Our Prayer Band prays over each prayer request for 30 days. In addition, the entire congregation prays for requests during our Tuesday Night Prayer Meeting. We invite you to join with us in prayer as, together, we believe God for answers to these requests. We also invite you to read the praise reports that people have submitted about God’s faithfulness in answering prayer.
Pray for direction and guidance and correcting vehicle loan.
Pray for healing of sleep apnea, finances and spiritual growth for my brother, Jani.
Pray for financial aid to cover school expenses.
Pray for guidance, Christian friends and spiritual growth.
Pray for approval of documents submitted for an apartment.
Pray for healing of pain in my back and hands.
Pray for salvation and healing for Eeva and her family.
Pray for salvation and healing for Nils, and his family.
Pray for healing of a skin problem.
Pray for guidance and wisdom for Mel to do well in her medical school exams.
Pray for healing of ADHD for my son, Evan.
Pray for healing of Bobby’s arm and shoulder.. Pray for encouragement for Bobby and his wife in teen ministry.