Our Prayer Band prays over each prayer request for 30 days. In addition, the entire congregation prays for requests during our Tuesday Night Prayer Meeting. We invite you to join with us in prayer as, together, we believe God for answers to these requests. We also invite you to read the praise reports that people have submitted about God’s faithfulness in answering prayer.
Pray for salvation, protection, healing and recovery from stomach surgery for Juanita.
Pray for favor for Tawania to find an affordable apartment.
Pray for peace, protection and traveling mercies for David.
Pray for salvation and healing for anyone who has been abused.
Pray for salvation and protection for the homeless and mentally ill.
Pray for healing for my family.
Pray for financial breakthrough for the Ramsey family.
Pray for healing for Dave and deliverance from mood swings and being verbally abusive.
Pray for healing and recovery from heart surgery for Kelvin.
Pray for spiritual growth and increased faith for Kevin.
Pray for comfort, strength, financial provision and healing from a broken heart on the loss of my baby.
Pray for strength and healthy relationships and marriage after a loss for me.