Our Prayer Band prays over each prayer request for 30 days. In addition, the entire congregation prays for requests during our Tuesday Night Prayer Meeting. We invite you to join with us in prayer as, together, we believe God for answers to these requests. We also invite you to read the praise reports that people have submitted about God’s faithfulness in answering prayer.
Pray for healing and recovery from surgery to remove scar tissue around Charles’ heart.
Pray for employment for Ann Marie.
Pray for Valerie’s salvation and healing from a blood infection.
Pray for healing from constipation for Ms. Dee.
Pray for healing in my body, I am elderly.
Pray for Anna’s healing.
Pray for deliverance from anxiety and healing of OCD for Gloria.
Pray for Aunt Vickie’s health to improve.
Pray for financial provision for Dee to be able to rent an apartment.
Pray for love, respect and honor for Gary at his retirement celebration after 30 years of service.
Pray for Maria’s health mentally and physically.
Pray for healing for Baby F.